Saturday, February 2, 2013

From 0h to PPL - Best moments

It makes one year today since I took off for the first time at the commands of an airplane. Actually this was my second flight, the first time was about 2 years ago, just a month before starting the pilot course, but it was a totally different experience. It was as passenger in a B737. In a C152 the sensations are more intense. I still have in my memory the first seconds after I lift off from the ground. The small plane with a little engine and a wing wandering around in the air, shaking a little with the turbulence, and being able to look out the front window and see a different view of the world.      

To mark this date, I chose to make a movie that shows some of the best moments, from my course starts until I had a Private Pilot License (PPL).

I planned to show a little of some of the places that I flew by under a 15min max time. But soon I realize that if I had chosen not to pass this limit I had have to let out a lot of places. So I chose to let go the limit because my primary goal was to be a "memories" video.

Moments included in the video:
  • Starts with some footage from the theory phase;
  • Pre-Flight;
  • First-solo flight;
  • Simulated engine failures;
  • Area solo flight (Famalicão);
  • 300nm solo flight (Bragança and Coimbra)
  • Shoreline flights;
  • Finish with a landing from my area solo flight.
In the image below you can see the movie's route that I followed. Its like a small tour in Portugal :).

Here is the video:


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